Pringles Sour Cream and Onion Flavor, 158 Grams, From Israel, Kosher Certified


QTY Discount 4 - 6 $5.69
7 - 9 $5.57
10 + $5.39

Pringles Sour Cream & Onion crisps are the perfect combination of green onion taste and savory sour cream flavors, certain to satisfy even the most intense of cravings. These delectable crisps are perfect for any party or get together.

Product name in Hebrew:  פרינגלס בטעם שמנת בצל

Pringles by Kellogg’s

158 Grams

From Israel

Kosher Dairy, Powder Chalav Nochri.

Certified Kosher by: Orthodox Union With The Approval of Rabbinate of Israel


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