Baracke Halva, Assorted Box Includes 3 Flavors, Vanilla, Chocolate & Vanilla, Vanilla & Hazelnut, 200 Grams, From Israel, Kosher Certified


QTY Discount 4 - 6 $5.37
7 - 9 $5.25
10 + $5.09

Baracke Halva. This assorted Box Includes 3 Flavors, Vanilla, Chocolate & Vanilla, Vanilla & Hazelnut, the perfect way to sample and enjoy them all.

Product Name In Hebrew: בארכה חלוה וניל שוקולד וניל וניל אגוזי לוז

By Baracke

200 grams 10 individual pieces wrapped halva 20 grams each

From Israel

Kosher Pareve

Certified Kosher by: Badatz Eda Charedit of Jerusalem


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